Generative Art Experiments
explorations in generative art & p5.js.
many of these are in messy or unfinished form. some are just snippets i've saved for my own reference.
my favorites are marked with *
- 01-circle-particle-bounce
- 02-mondrian
- 03-bubbles
- 04-squiggles *
- 05-triangles
- 06-bubblycreatures
- 07-floaty-sine-waves
- 08-recursive-irregular-triangles *
- 09-spirograph *
- 10-boxlines-animate
- 11-boxlines
- 12-swoosh
- 13-mandalas *
- 14-disarray *
- 15-more-mandalas *
- 16-noise
- 17-initial-particles-attempt
- 18-perlin-flow-field *
- 19-maurer-rose *
- 20-atan
- 21-outofthebox *
- 22-arcs *
- 23-drawing
- 24-recursive-shapes
- 25-recursive-shapes-mod
- 26-grid-noise *
- 27-random-walk *
- 28-happy-accidents *
- 29-truchet-smith-tiles
- 30-wang-tiles *
- 31-chains
- 32-truchet-tiles-reflected *
- 33-sinewaves-forever *
- 34-squares *
- 35-fold
- 36-scaledshapes *
- 37-bezier
- 38-gravitation *
- 39-woo-i-made-a-shader *
- 40-circle-sines-gif-loop *
- 41-sillyshapes
- 42-circle-pattern-shapes *